Today marks the final day I am 6 weeks pregnant, and in all honesty the past 2 weeks have been completely uneventful
For the entirety of week 5 I had no symptoms at all – now as a HG survivor I am thankful for the lack of sickness I truly am, but the lack of any symptoms and sick is giving me a bit (lot) of anxiety that perhaps all is not well with the pregnancy.
I definitely have felt more pregnant during week 6 – thankfully. Still no sickness, but I have a bloat that makes me look about 6 months pregnant not 6 weeks! This is fairly usual for me, although slightly earlier. Usually in my pregnancies I look bigger at 8 weeks than I do at 20, then by the time I hit 12-14 weeks the bloat completely goes. My husband on the other hand is convinced I’m having not one, not even two, but thee babies because of it – can you even imagine!!!
We laugh but I do have a history of multiples. I began my pregnancy with Phoebe carrying twins. I experienced what they call vanishing twin syndrome which means I miscarried one twin between 8-10 weeks. As an older mum (I’m 38) my chance of twins also increases, and apparently if you are breastfeeding it also increases the chances – Heidi will be 3 in September and still feeds day & night!! Whilst I don’t actually feel like I am carrying twins, I’m also not sure if I would be too shocked if I were!
Anyway back to now – so there’s the bloating and then the tiredness!!!! I forgot about the ex first trimester tiredness; it’s not like regular exhaustion, it’s “ill fall asleep mid sentence whilst standing up drinking coffee” kind of tiredness. It’s just inexplainable really. However if you are reading this as a pregnant woman or mother then I know you know what I am talking about!
I am aware this isn’t much of an update, as I say there really isn’t anything happening at the moment – I’m just extremely tired, and extremely bloated. I won’t blog every single week if there are no big changes.
isn’t pregnancy crazy. I am desperate for some more symptoms to put my mind at ease that everything is going well with the pregnancy, but at the same time I remember how grim most pregnancy symptoms are and would like the sickness to stay away as long as humanly possible! I am tempted to get an early scan just to check everything is how it should be at this stage, but to be honest Will is away so much at the moment that organising childcare would be almost impossible. We shall see.
If you are reading this as a pregnant woman feel free to reach out in the comments or message me, I would love to create a little community of mothers to be ❤️ and If you missed my first pregnancy blog you can find it here Pregnant with baby number 5!